Friday, January 4, 2013

Time For New Year's Resolutions

At the end of each year, I usually blog about the fact that I don't make New Year's resolutions. I've never yet kept one, so why make them? Instead, this year I have promised myself to improve in some areas that I have let slide. The typical resolutions that I used to make would be things like this: lose 20 pounds, exercise everyday, do a better job on cleaning the house, stuff like that. I never kept any of them, in fact I always thought resolving to do something was setting myself up for failure. The promises that I am making this year will lead to change. I may not do all of these things all of the time, but I promise myself to try. Here are my 2013 promises. 1. Tell everyone I love "I love you" as often as possible. 2. Call someone I haven't talked to in a while but have thought about once a week. 3. Make a date to do something special with Ron at least once a month. 4. Get back to playing golf. 5. Make dinner on Monday a meatless meal. 6. Waste less food (this is a challenge) 7. Introduce new foods (especially veggies) into our meals. 8. Continue to live a healthy lifestyle (no diet promises for me, but maybe healthy living will lead to weight loss. I can always hope). 9. Read something everyday. 10. Learn something everyday. Since the horrible tragedy in Connecticut a few weeks ago, people have been talking about performing acts of kindness. I have always been one to help others, to try to cheer up lonely people. (I've written about "pay it forward"). I think you just need to remind yourself that the grumpy man next to you may have problems you can't imagine, and that your kindness may make him less grumpy. (one of my biggest challenges is to try to get grumpy bridge players who come to my table, to smile). The day before Christmas, Fran and I were sitting in The Coffee Bean, and next to us was an elderly man with a new Verizon Tablet and phone. We decided to talk to him since he was all alone, and I'm sure we made his day. We found out that he lived alone, in a converted van in his car and did odd jobs to pay the bills. We found out much more about him than we needed to know, but he needed to talk, to connect with someone, to share, and we allowed him to do that. Fran and I walked out of there having allowed him the opportunity share some of his life with us. A simple act of kindness that I think made his day. Make your own list of promises for the new year. Even if we just do some of the things some of the time we'll be making our lives, and the lives of those around us, better.

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