Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Workout With Friends

I was spinning last week when a thought came to me. Everywhere I turn people are playing WWF(Words With Friends). They're addicted to it. I for one have not played, having no IPhone, IPad, or I anything. Never was very good at scrabble anyway. So the thought occurred to me. Instead of words with friends, how about workout with friends? A partner makes any activity more fun. My Y friend Kathy and I started spinning together about 18 months ago, and although we don't always do it together, it is much more fun to sit next to a friend, moan and groan togther, and compare mileage and calories. Sounds like torture, but it really is fun. Workout with friends (the new WWF) can be applied to swimming, walking, weight training, zumba, or any aerobics class. All you need is someone who will make a committment to workout with you. Fran and I have been walking together for years. Even during these busy holiday times we manage to squeeze in a one hour walk each week. And our boogie boarding group has been riding the waves together for years. What fun would boogie boarding alone be? (fun, but not as fun). Fran has come up with a new activity. It's walking with walking sticks. You can buy a pair of walking sticks at Walmart for around $25, and incorporate an upper body workout into your walking routine. I was at Batiquitos Lagoon last week and saw a woman walking with the sticks. I stopped and asked her how she liked them. She loved them, and felt she was getting a super workout. So Fran and I are buying the sticks and will start walking with them. It's always fun to try something new. So find a partner, just once a week, and get out there and WWF. Walking, biking, weight training, whatever it is you like, find someone who will commit to doing that activity with you once a week. You will be doing something good for your body and mind, and developing a deeper friendship with your partner. It's a win-win situation, and maybe for some of you, a first step back into exercise. Remember, WWF doesn't just mean "words with friends." It now also means "workout with friends."

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