Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Our Connection To Technology

I recently read a novel called The Island. It's about a mother, the mother's sister, and two grown children that go to their summer home on a private island near Nantucket. They've all had some big life changes, and want an opportunity to reunite and understand one another. There is no hot water on the property, and although they have electricity, they have a rule that there are no cell phones, TV, or internet during the time they're there. This got me to thinking, "Could I spend a month somewhere with anyone (including Ron) with no hot water and no connection to the outside world? Years ago we used to go to places like Club Med or some fancy resorts in Hawaii or Tahiti that had no TV and no phone. (this was actually before the days of cell phones). We'd go for a week, and it really gave one a chance to unwind, get away from the news of the day, and find OTHER things to do, like read, walk, think, talk. I liked it, Ron hated it. But things are different now. First thing in the morning and the last thing at night, I'm at my computer, either sending or checking e-mail, or reading something online. In between 7am and 11pm I have my cell phone to communicate with, TV to keep me up to date on what's happening in the world and entertain me if I get bored, and my computer. I spend a lot of time at my computer at home, and I sometimes wonder what I did when I didn't have a computer. (cleaned the house?) Well, I didn't write a blog, I didn't shop on line, I didn't get dozens of groupons and other coupon e-mails everyday, I didn't seem to have the need for instant gratification. For example, if we're having a conversation about some actress and can't remember the name of her last movie, we just look it up. Voila, in 30 seconds we have the answer. What did we do before? I can't remember! Besides the fact that I think it might be unsafe to be on a private island with no phone for emergency purposes, I think it would be very hard for those of us who are so connected with the use of text, cell phone, e-mail, etc. to simply cut off all communication for a month. I watch kids walk around the streets texting, practically bumping into people, and I wonder how they could disconnect. Many young people are so used to having something to do all the time, they may have a hard time winding down, walking on the beach, swimming, cooking, reading, thinking. Do you thnk you would enjoy a month on an island with your daughters and sisters? I think it would be a little too much for me. I think the age of technology has made it harder for me relax, and as great as technology is, I still remember my mother's words, "Everything in moderation." Good words to live by.

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