Monday, September 8, 2014

Surgery:Eight Weeks Post Op

I was off to great start on my recovery from partial knee replacement surgery on July 9.  I used a walker for a day, and a cane for two days.  I was walking well within a week, taking 4X daily walks around the block, and in 12 days I was back at the Y.  Then things began to really slow down.

I was down to taking Norco 10 (vicadin and Tylenol) just a few times a day.  One reason for not wanting to take it was the drowsy, spacy feeling I had while on it.  I still needed mostly for night, as I simply could not get to sleep without it, and when I would wake up at 3am, the Norco would get me back to sleep.  The nighttime pain was the worse, and week after week when I thought it would improve, it didn't.

I went for my four week check up and Dr. Bugbee told me I was doing well.  When I complained that I still had pain, couldn't sleep and was tired most of the time, he told me to reduce my exercise and to remember what my body had been through.  I immediately cut back to five days at the Y, none of them terribly strenuous, although I was always tired after working out.  I would take a nice walk once a week with Fran that felt good, so I continued that.  The weeks rolled by.  I was definitely doing more, could walk faster, only iced when I felt like it (2X a day), had good flexibility, but tiredness and night pain continued. I decided it was time to call the doctor.

At exactly eight weeks, I called the doctor and told his wonderful nurse my story.  I still couldn't sleep, had night pain and was tired much of the time.  She told me everything was normal.  I have to be patient!  So that's what I'm trying to be.  I am taking Aleve now in the morning, and again at night if necessary.  I am off the Norco (five days now), so I'm not quite as tired, and the Aleve works great.  I was told by the nurse that at 12 weeks I should feel MUCH better. I hope so, as I know the long term effects of Aleve are not good.

I will report back to you again at 12 weeks and tell you how I feel.  Oh, how I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep.  I know everyone recovers differently, but I have heard from many knee replacement patients that three months is the beginning of feeling great.  I was with a woman who had her knee replaced six years ago.  She recalled that the recovery was very difficult, but after so many years couldn't give me any details.  She, like most people I talk to, are happy to have had the surgery, after all is said and done.  I hope I'll be saying that soon.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear you are finally getting some results Susie, keep up the good work. Did you have any sessions with a good physical therapist post surgery?
