Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I Broke My Ankle

I'd been looking forward to the Pickleball tournament at Ocean Hills for weeks.  Originally it was scheduled to take place while I was on my cruise, but fortunately they moved it to October 21 and 22.  I would play in Group 1 and 2, beginners and intermediates.  Here's how the accident happened.

The tournament started on Wednesday afternoon.  We each played four matches, and I did very well.  In fact, I came in second.  It was great fun.  Thursday was more competitive, better players and more matches.  I was having a great time, although not doing very well, through the first two matches.  In the third match, I played with a very good player, Alan.  We were playing well and winning our match, when we both went for the same ball.  I could see that he had the shot, so I backed off.  In backing off, as I was already stretching and make the shot, I lost my balance.  I fell.  It was not a far fall, as I was already halfway to the ground, but my ankle twisted.  It hurt, but not that much, and it felt like a sprain, and I walked it off, finished the match, which we won.  I had two more matches to go.  Stupid me, I did not want to quit, so I played the last two matches, although I couldn't move well for the ball, and could only hit balls that came close to me.  We tied one, and lost the other,

I went home with a very swollen  ankle, showered, iced my ankle and went to the awards luncheon.  I was hurting, but I still thought the ankle was sprained.  After sitting for an hour, I came home and took a look at my ankle.  It was huge!  We had plans to go see The Intern that afternoon.  I had already bought the tickets and I hated to lose $23, but I did.  We went to Scripps Encinitas Emergency.  They confirmed a cracked bone in my ankle.  Believe it or not, they did not have a boot for me, so they sent me to Torrey Pines, to my orthopedist, Dr. Bugbee.  They fitted me for a boot, told me I would wear it for 2-4 weeks, before transitioning to a smaller splint.  I will try to be a good patient, as I want everything to heal properly.

So if you want to know where I'll be most days for the next few months, most likely I'll be home in Oceanside, playing bridge with Ron, or at the movies.  Ron is now my chauffeur and man Friday.  He's good.  I'll hopefully be back on the pickleball court after the first of the year.

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