Friday, September 9, 2016

The Death Of The Bumper Sticker

It's Labor Day, and I hardly see any cars in San Diego with political bumper sticker.  Ron and I were out for dinner a few nights ago and I mentioned this to him, and though he hadn't thought of it before, he definitely agreed.  I think I have seen two Hillary stickers and two Trump stickers.  In the last election cycle Obama and Romney stickers were everywhere.  What has happened?

I don't know if political scientists or sociologists have studied the reason for the decline in bumper stickers, but I have some ideas.  First, social media has led everyone to express their opinions on Facebook or Twitter.  It's so easy to Tweet out your opinion on something!  You won't get your car keyed by some passerby who doesn't like your bumper sticker, or get dirty looks from those who disagree with you.  Second, no one seems passionate about either candidate.  For most voters I talk to, their voting choice is the lesser of two evils, so they don't want to have bumper stickers plastered all over their car.

From the time cars had bumpers, bumper stickers have adorned them, especially during the presidential cycle.  No more.  The internet and social media have taken its place.  Take a look when you're out driving tomorrow and see how many stickers you see.  My guess is it won't be many.

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