Friday, March 30, 2018

Is 2018 The Year Of Women?

2017 was a breakout year for women.  After playing second fiddle to men in corporate America, government and Hollywood, women are speaking out and changes are being made.  We all thought that 2017 would be the year that the first woman would be elected, but that was not to be.  Republicans took the White House, and immediately tried to defund Planned Parenthood, undermine women's legal and reproductive rights, and slash essential health benefits.

Women in Congress refused to be silenced.  Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, and Kamela Harris were just some of the women who spoke up.  Men tried to silence them, cutting off their talking time, but the world noticed what was happening.  The year began with a huge march in Washington, and others in dozens of cities around the country, to support men and women of all races and creeds and sexual preference.  Since that march, groups such as Indivisible have popped up all over and are fighting to make a difference.

Perhaps the most important event of 2017 was the uncovering of the dozens of congressional members, Hollywood stars and mogels and television personalities who have engaged in sexual harassment.  Bill O'Reilly, Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein and  Al Franken are just a few that come to mind.  Others, such as Donald Trump, have be accused by dozens of women, but have denied any such behavior.  All of this has led to the #Me Too movement.  Women are realizing that it is time for them to speak up, not be afraid.  Men are realizing that women are to be taken seriously, and must change the disgraceful behavior that society has allowed to go on for too long.  It's hard to imagine, but for years, our taxpayer money, has been used by congress to pay off women to keep them quiet, who had been sexually abused.  That is a disgrace!

Time Magazine named the Silence Breakers person of the year.  All those women who came forward, some after keeping silent for decades like the accusers of Roy Moore, to tell their story, were finally recognized.  Now women are stepping forward to run for office.  Women feel empowered.

I say this is the year of women because come November,  hopefully you will see new faces in state and local government, as well as national government.  Over 2,500 women have signed up to run for  office throughout this nation.  Many will be elected.  No longer will congress be a place for old white men to keep the status quo and protect their power.  Look at the picture of the House of Representatives now, and then look at it after the next election.  You will see a more diverse picture, more of a true picture of our nation:  black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, women, men, gay, lesbian and transgender, will all likely have a place at the table.  How refreshing it will be to have a diverse group of politicians who truly reflect our country.  I can't wait to see this happen.

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