Friday, June 28, 2019

70 Year Old Musical Is So Relevant Today

Our Friday discussion group at Ocean Hills does much more than just discuss social and cultural issues.  We learn about music, art and science, too.  One of our residents, Don Kent, did a presentation on the musical South Pacific, the back story, interviews with James Mitchner, and clips from the movie and theatrical production.  He did an outstanding job as he always does, and I came away with new appreciation for the musical.

South Pacific was based on the short stories written by James Mitchner, from his several years on the island during World War 11.  He took copious notes on the people, the culture and place itself, and left the island with a manuscript which would become South Pacific.  Several years later, Rodgers and Hammerstein decided the stories would become a musical, and the musical, South Pacific, was born.  It opened in 1950, and was an immediate hit.

You probably, like me, think of South Pacific, as a love story.  Well it is that, but it is much more.  It's a story about racial prejudice and  cultural differences too.  One song in particular, brings out the racial prejudice of that time and is still relevant today.  "You've got to be Carefully Taught"  is a song that tells us that prejudice is taught from the time you are a young child, things repeated year after year (it's got to be drummed in your dear little ear), so that you can hate all the people your relatives hate.

There are so many wonderful songs in this musical!  Today, if a musical has you humming one tune when you leave the theatre you're happy.  We saw the original opening scene from the movie with Mitzi Gaynor, and it is stunning.  If you have a chance to see the film again, you will be happy you did.

One of my favorite parts of Don's presentation was his playing of a 60 Minutes episode from many years ago with Diane Sawyer interviewing James Mitchner.  Interestingly, the money backers of the original musical wanted to cut the part showing racial prejudice (You've Got To Be Carefully Taught), but Hammerstein refused.  The result was a show that not only had a love story, but showed racial bias in a real way.  I hope you get a chance to see the movie again.

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