Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My Most Memorable Day

I overheard a conversation last week where the people were talking about a workshop one of them had been to, and one question asked was, "What day would you want to relive in your life?"  In other words, what was the most memorable day you've ever had.  That's really hard.  Wedding, birth of children come to mind immediately, but when I thought more about the question, I had another that was truly memorable.

In 2000, we went to Tokyo with our entire family.  Mom, dad, and the three boys.  We also had with us Renee and Jose Valdivia, our jockey and his wife, who were very close friends of ours and remain so to this day.  Our horse was invited to run in the first ever Japan Cup Dirt.  It was a big honor, and having our entire family with us made it so special.  Our horse ran third.  Any of the days we all spent together would be my most memorable day.  I would love to live that day over again.

What has been your most memorable day?  It's hard to single out just one day, but give it a try.  It brings up a lot of memorable days to choose from.  The fact that our whole family was together made it special for me.

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