Friday, March 13, 2020

Did We Have A Party!

I've had many parties in my married life, planned and hosted several weddings, big birthday bashes, etc, so when I had to plan our 50th anniversary party, I had no worries, or so I thought.  I haven't entertained or done anything big in years, I don't know caterers, bartenders, etc. in this area, but I was sure I could figure it out.

We planned to have the party at Ocean Hills Country Club (where we live).  When I went to them to reserve the date in November, they told me to come back after the first of the year, and they would schedule the party.  Well, I did that, only to discover that Ocean Hills was doing a huge clubhouse renovation, and nothing could be booked for six month.!  Here it was, 8 weeks from the party, and we had nowhere to hold it.  After looking around the area for about a week and getting very discouraged by all the venues I saw, my friend Fran came to the rescue.  She lives in Solana Beach and Tennis Club, which happens to have the most gorgeous view lounge with a drop dead ocean view, and said we could use it!!!  Wow.  It turned out to be the most beautiful setting you could imagine. 

The rest of the party came together easily.  Primecuts Catering owner Ron DePaul did a fabulous job.  The food was delicious and we all had a great time.There was such a feeling of love, optimism and good wishes in the room, I, who don't usually get emotional, was so touched.  That people came from Phoenix, Las Vegas and LA to help us celebrate, meant so much to me and Ron.

The anniversary gave us both a chance to look back over our life together.  What surprises Ron the most is that he is still here after a fatal diagnosis six years ago, while many, many friends, younger and healthier than Ron, have passed away.  As my friend Paula says, who found a new love later in life, "We live each month together as if it were a year."  Great philosophy.  We're living one day at a time.

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