Friday, December 6, 2019

Do You Have A Hair Coloring Horror Story?

I never seem to be happy with my hair color.  It's too dark when I leave the salon, it's too light several weeks later.  What's a girl to do?  Well, I put the question out to some friends of mine recently, and discovered that many of them did their own hair, and honestly, most of them looked better than those spending $100 at a salon.  So, I decided to listen to them, and try to color my own hair.

Actually, for my first effort, it looks pretty good.  It's not quite the color I wanted, and I didn't get all the grey covered as well as it should be, but it looks pretty good.  In four weeks I'll try again, and this time hopefully get the color right.

Back in college many of us got the urge to color our hair, usually with disastrous results.  One friend of mine ended up with a color so bad she had to frantically search for an open salon to "fix" her mistake.  Other people I have talked to overprocessed their hair, and had much of their hair fall out. 

Today, the products are kinder and gentler, and mistakes can easily be corrected.  I remember when our son David came home from a bus trip around the U.S. when he was in 11th grade, with orange hair and SD carved into his hair.  (he was a big Chargers fan).  Ron just about had a fit, but I told he NOT to overreact, and he listened.  In three weeks the hair had grown out, and that was the end of it. 

You can go on the internet today, hire a colorist to evaluate the best color for your hair, then buy the product from them.  One of my friends did that, and her hair looks gorgeous.  I'm going to stick with the product I just used, but try to get the color a little darker.  It's going to save me time and money, commodities that I don't seem to have enough of these days.

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