Friday, December 20, 2019

Do You Know What Medical Benefits You Are Entitled To?

I thought I knew about the benefits of my health care plan, but I really only knew the basics, like deductibles, co-pays and prescription costs.  There is much more to know, as I am quickly finding out.  I feel that every patient with a terminal disease needs an advocate.  The advocate may be a spouse, friend or other relative, or a professional.

As terminal diseases progress, the patient needs more care, more equipment, more of everything, especially nursing or some kind of home health care.  How do you find out what you're entitled to?  I started by asking the home care social worker, who led me to the ALS Clinic, who led me to the social worker who dealt only with ALS issues.  If you have Parkinson's or MS or Alzheimers, there are specific people that can help you.  The social worker will tell you what you are entitled to with the insurance you have, and help you get exactly what you need.

I thought I knew a lot, but I didn't.  Did you know that each city (San Diego for us) has grant money that can be given to help patients with specific diseases?  If you have Alzheimers, there is a lot of money available.  If you have ALS, there is no grant money available.

Pallitive care is something that most people can take advantage of.  You just have to know who to ask and what to ask.  There is help out there for everyone.  It's a matter of getting to the right person who can guide you.  I talked to neighbor of mine last month.  His wife has both Alzheimer's and MS.  He and his daughter have been doing all the caregiving for his wife, when he could be taking advantage of grants and home health care to assist.  We have to advocate for ourselves and our loved ones.  There is a lot of help out there, if you know where to find it.

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