Monday, December 30, 2019

The History of Bartering

Bartering is a 6000 year old method of exchange.  It was used long before money was invented.  People exchanged services and goods for other services and goods in return.  Today, bartering has made a comeback, using more sophisticated methods, like the internet to exchange goods and services.  In ancient times the system involved people in the same area, but today bartering is global.

Bartering was introduced by Mesopotamia tribes, adopted by the Phoenicians.  Babylonians's also developed an improved bartering system.  Goods were exchanged for food, tea, weapons and spices.  Salt was another popular item exchanged.  Salt was a valuable commodity, so valuable that Roman soldiers' salaries were paid with it.  In the Middle Ages, Europeans traveled around the globe to barter crafts and furs in exchange for silks and perfumes.

Due to the lack of money in the 1930's because of the Great Depression, bartering became popular.  It was used to obtain food and various other services.  It was done through groups or between people who acted similar to banks.

Kids barter all the time.  They trade toys, clothes, and other items that they no longer want, but their friend might.  Adults barter too.  I might offer my friend a sweater I no longer want (or doesn't fit anymore) for a purse she doesn't use.  It happens all the time.  In current political times, we might call this a quid pro quo.  You give me something of value and I will give you something of value in exchange.  Such an old concept, updated for the modern world.

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