Friday, March 7, 2014

Always Be Learning

I was watching an interview with Mark Cuban last week that I found most interesting. He is the self made billionaire and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, among other things. His motto is "Always be learning," and it's exactly what my motto has been for years, "Learn something new everyday." If you think your education ended after high school or college, well, you have been left behind. Change is taking place so rapidly, that unless you read, listen and learn, you will be left in the dust. I was starting to feel that way a few years ago when everyone had a smart phone and I was still using an old fashion flip phone. I finally got the I Phone, and now the I Pad, and realize that if I hadn't made the change I would be left behind. Keeping up with technology is difficult. As soon as you learn one thing, something new comes along that is better, so you have to learn that.

Anyone who says they're "too old" to learn all this new technology is simply wrong. Not only can you learn it, but it's good for your brain. A course in neuroscience will make it clear how important it is to keep your brain active.

March 2 was the 110th birthday of Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. His influence on generations of children cannot be underestimated. His books are full of inspiring quotes. One I particularly like is "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

I often say to myself before I start my day, "What will I learn today?" Today I know I will learn plenty, as I am going to my book club to discuss the novel, "The Roundhouse." There will be much to talk about. Then I'm going to lunch with the Carpenteria girls (sans Debbie), Christie, Fran, Jan and myself, plus Darcee. We will have a great discussion about something, and I know I will learn something new. What did you learn today?

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