Friday, January 23, 2015

Are You Mentally Strong?

Read the list I have posted below, and decide how many of these you adhere to.  I like this list.  I consider myself mentally strong, and I do many of the things on this list.  Do you?

Agree?   <==  Natural Health Tips & Advice.

Let's look a little more closely at the list.  Moving on and not feeling sorry for yourself is one of the hardest things to do.  Be it a health set back, a promotion you did not get, a party you were not invited to, feeling sorry for yourself is never a good thing.  Acknowledge your disappointment, think about how you may have contributed to that disappointment, and move on.  Staying happy is good for your health and it makes people want to be around you.  Don't spend time and energy on things you can't control.  This is unhealthy and doesn't accomplish anything.  Take risks.  Call that friend you had an argument with two years ago and see if your friendship can be repaired.  Join a new group (take calculated risks) where you don't know anyone and challenge yourself to make new friends.  I do this all the time.  It usually works out.  Celebrate successes of others rather than resenting their achievements.  Congratulate your sister on her job promotion, let your brother know you're proud of his community service work, or whatever achievements your friends and family have made.  Finally, embrace change and challenges.  We live in a changing world, and even though we're getting old (how old is that?) we may be on this earth for decades, and we need to change as things change.  It will make you a more interesting person and a happier person.  That's what I'm looking for.
I've written about this topic before, but when I saw this list, I felt it was worth repeating.  The goal for all of us is to get through life happily and healthy, to enjoy friends and family, contribute something to the world in terms of work or community service, and to hopefully touch some lives in a meaningful way along the journey.  If your life is spent in conflict with family or co workers, if you're constantly comparing your achievements to those of your peers, and if you spend time and energy wishing others would meet your expectations, you're going to be very disappointed and not very happy.  Let's all strive to be happy, get along, and be the best we can be.

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