Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Starting Chemotherapy

Ron's latest health challenge is bladder cancer.  In early January he had the tumor (or as much as they could see) removed.  Last week he started 8 weeks of radiation and 7 weeks of chemo to get rid of the tiny particles not visible to the naked eye.

The anticipation and anxiety of what to expect is in Ron's case worse than the actual treatment.  Everyone has advice and stories to tell you.  The truth of the matter is, every case is different.  Not only is the chemo drug and dosage different for everyone, but everyone's reaction is different.  Ron's nurse, Judy, went through the litany of things to expect from chemo.  Fever, fatigue and nausea were just some of the possible side effects.  Luckily, so far none of these have occurred.

Radiation takes place every morning, 5 days a week, for the next 8 weeks.  Luckily the treatment center is nearby, so we're usually home from that by 9:15 and have the rest of the day to live a normal life.  We've been told that the effects of radiation are cumulative, and that fatigue and other side effects will set in as Ron gets further into treatment.  For now, with both radiation and chemo,  we are taking it one day at a time.  It's the best way to live and the best way to fight disease.  Ron is a fighter.  With his positive attitude and support of friends and family, he'll get through this. 

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