Friday, September 28, 2018

Men's Attitudes Toward Rape

If you are offended by these quotes by some of our leaders in congress, then get out and vote.  Show you distaste for these male attitudes by voting for men and women that have empathy for rape victims.  Vote for men and women who are not stuck in the 1950's, thinking rape is a sexual act, or that women who are raped deserve it, or even worse,  that just because a man and woman are married, he can have sex with her whenever he wants, even if he doesn't want to.

There is so much information on rape and rapists, and about the shame felt by the person raped, that everyone should get educated.  If you have ever been raped or assaulted or know someone who has been, you know that you don't just forget it.  It is something that stays with you forever, and it may be a very long time before the victim is even able to talk about it.  Don't assume that just because a man appears to be of impeccable character, that he isn't capable of bad behavior.  Get all the facts, and realize too, how difficult it is for a woman to come forward with a rape charge.  She knows that she is in for a tough time.  Only 1/3 of all rapes and assaults are even reported, so we know this is a huge social problem.

Let's hope that our voice at the ballot box will show men that they must listen to women.  Men, and I guess there are some women, with these old attitudes must not serve in congress.  Let's get rid of them.

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