Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Saving Time

Whether you're retired, as I am, or working full time, people are always looking for ways to save time.  Just because you're retired doesn't mean you want to spend that hard earned free time doing unwanted errands, like grocery shopping, banking, or getting gas.

The key to saving time is organization and preparation.  Here are some tips that I use to save time.  If I used them all, I would probably save several hours a week.  That's a lot!

1.  Do all your errands on one day of the week.  Map out what needs to be done (cleaners, drug store, gas, etc.) and save them all for one day.  Then map out your route so you do your errands in the most efficient way.  This is a huge time saver, if you can PLAN.  A two hour trip to complete weekly errands may take four hours or more if done individually.

2.  Send out birthday cards once a month.  First of all, you'll never again forget a birthday, and second, if you send e-cards they will still be delivered on the day of the person's birthday.  If you prefer to send cards in the mail, some people will just receive them early.

3.  Grocery shop on line.  I know this service has been around for several years now, but it's so easy, efficient and reasonable, I don't know why I have resisted.  A trip to the market will take more than an hour, whereas ordering the same products on line will take only 15 minutes, and be delivered in less than 2 hours.  Think of the aggravation you will eliminate.

4.  On line banking.  Yes, about the only thing you can't do online is get cash.  Deposits and transfers are easy.  This will save you another 30-60 minutes, depending on how long you have to wait in line.

5.  Keep lists.  Keep an ongoing shopping list for groceries, plus lists of of errands that need to be done, phone calls that must be made, gifts you need to buy will save you time.

What are you going to do with all the time you save?  Go to the gym, get a massage, sit on the beach and read a book, go to Starbuck's for coffee and people watching. 

Time is the only thing you can never get back.  Once it's gone, it's gone.  Cherish it, don't waste it.

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