Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What Advice Would You Give Your Teenage Children?

Years ago, when I was given advice, wanted or not, to my teenage children, it was different than what I would give them today.  Back then, I told them to be practical, study something in school that would get them a good job, save money from each paycheck, never live beyond their means, etc.  Most of my advice and advice they got from Ron was based on making a good living and saving for the future.  These things are very important, but after almost 73 years of living, I'm not sure they're the most important.

If I had to give just one piece of advice to teens today it would be to find your passion and make it the focus of your work, and follow your heart.  Very simple, yet so many people get hung up trying to earn money that they don't do what they truly love.  I'm so happy that each of my boys found work they truly love.  As much as Brian enjoys his work as an accountant, I think he'd tell you that he could do without the heavy workload and pressure of his busy time, audits and taxes.  David loves his work with J.P. Morgan.  He's always been one for facts and figures.  Ask him about a company and he'll tell you everything.  What a memory he's got, and he loves what he does.  Phil has always been interested in food, and from the time he was 4 years old, standing on a stool at the kitchen counter, making scrambled eggs with chocolate chips, to now, where he's growing his own food and cooking delicious meals.  He was fortunate to start a food business that people liked, sold it, and moved on to other food related endeavors, that keep him busy pursuing his passion, food.

Most people are not so lucky.  More often than not, life gets in the way of pursuing your dreams.  A boy meets a girl, gets married and has kids, and his dream of being a photographer, a chef, a small business owner, never gets done.  He may be stuck in a boring job with a decent salary, and see no way out.

If one is not happy at what they're doing 8 hours everyday, it's hard to enjoy the rest of your life.  If you're loving what you do, no matter how hard you're working, you are going to feel fulfilled.  I remember when Phil was working 60 hour weeks at Evol.  I told him then to enjoy the ride because getting there was the most fun, and I think he did.  Today, even though I am not working, I try to have a passion for all I do.

I've got a lot on my plate right now, but each night I think about the following day and how much I'm going to enjoy it.  I no longer spend time doing things that don't make me happy.  Time is precious, and I'm not going to waste time having lunch with someone who's company I don't enjoy, or reading a book that I don't like.   So, as 2019 begins, bring your own passion to everything you do.  It will make everything you do more fulfilling.  Happy New Year.

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