Friday, May 31, 2019

How Animals React To Changing Situations

I love my dog Pepper, and am thankful that he is so adaptable.  He's a high energy dog, loves to play and run, and that can't be done in our house anymore.  He has figured that out, and has adapted his behavior to fit ours.

When Ron became unable to walk him and play with him as he used to do, Pepper figured out other ways to be with Ron that they would both enjoy.  When Ron is at his desk, which is quite frequent, Pepper would sit with him, on a little Cubs blanket, next to his desk.  When Ron would nap, Pepper would be right by his side to offer moral support.

Now that I cannot take him on long walks, I have our wonderful friend Dan, who does that for me daily.  Thank you Dan for all you do.  I am trying to get back to walking Pepper, and I do so with the help of a walker.  I want to be sure that if he does pull, which he often used to, he will not send me flying.  Funny thing, he must understand that he has to walk slowly.  He walks right by my walker, and almost never pulls on the leash.  He knows what I can and can't do.  Such great instincts.  Since I can drive now, I am able to take him to the park in the afternoon, walk him down a small ramp to the park, and let him play, and me socialize.  It's good for both of us, and gives him a chance to rough house with other dogs and get some energy out.  Then when he gets home, he's back to being calm and quiet, the perfect companion for both of us.  Thank you Pepper!

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