Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why Are So Many Libraries Burned Down?

I'm reading a book called The Library Book by Susan Orlean.  It's specifically about the 1986 Los Angeles Downtown Library fire, most likely set by arson.  In the book she gives readers a wonderful history of Los Angeles, and a history of libraries.  What I learned upon further research, is that because of vandalism, arson, war and religion, libraries have been burning for centuries.

There are too many libraries that have burned to go into detail, but dissidents were burning libraries 2000 years ago.  More recently, during WW1 and WW11, libraries were destroyed during war.  In some cases the destruction was collateral damage, but in many cases, like in the case of the Germans in WW11, libraries were targeted.  Often throughout history libraries were destroyed because the government did not want their people exposed to ideas that differed from what they were being told.  Get rid of the books so people cannot learn about other points of view was their philosophy.  Below are just a sampling of more current library disasters, and how and why they occurred.  Tragic, really.  At least in modern times documents and rare information is saved digitally, but originals can still be lost.  As a library lover and lifelong library user I find this so sad.

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