Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What's Best For Single Seniors?

Where should a single senior in her 80's or 90's live?  Independent living in a senior community, assisted living in a senior community or in his/her own home?  I've been thinking a lot about this lately, as my mother, now in her high 90's is trying to decide where to live for the rest of her life.

Assuming money is not an issue, most seniors have several choices.  If money is an issue, it is often best to find independent or assisted living in a moderate community.  After all, independent living can range from $3-4 thousand dollars at the low end, to over $15,000 at the high end.  That's the rate per month.  I know because I just went and looked at an independent community that was $14,500 per month, and that doesn't include everything.

One of the big problems for seniors as they age, especially if they don't have family nearby, is who will care for them if they get sick?  In assisted living there will be nursing care provided.  In independent living there may also be nursing care, and if the situation calls for it, a person may be forced to move from independent to assisted living.  The problem is continuity.  You will most likely have a different nurse every time, maybe three different people in one day.  If a senior is living at home he can have the same person all the time.  Having the same nurse or caregiver all the time gives the senior a real sense of security.  I know this is true for my mom.  One of the reasons she likes living on her own is that she has the same person with her all the time. That works for her.

The most positive aspect of living in a senior community is the social life.  There are so many activities, and meals with others are certainly more fun than meals alone.

After looking at several facilities with my mom we have decided that staying in her own home is best for her.  She would love the community of a senior living facility but there are too many negatives that come with it. 

I wanted her to make the decision on where to live while she is in good health and choose her own path.  Too many people wait until they are in a situation where they live is chosen for them.  I didn't want that to happen to my mom.  I'm glad we looked at all the options.  For her, staying where she has lived for almost 70 years is best. 

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