Monday, November 23, 2020

We're All In This Together

 In times of war, pandemic or economic recession, Americans pull together.  We all do what we should for the good of us all.  Think back to WW11 and restrictions that were imposed on Americans to keep us safe.  One such edict was the use of black out shades.  It was required to keep black out shades shut in case of enemy attack.  The same thing was done in the United Kingdom.  No one complained that their civil rights were being impinged upon.  Of course people didn't like these restrictions, but everyone followed orders to keep us all safe.

In times of war, many restrictions were put in place.  Most of them were rations on things like gas, electricity, meat, etc.  Everything went into the war effort, and people were happy to help.  The government needed aluminum during WW11 and had a drive to collect aluminum pots and pans from citizens.  Everyone chipped in to help.  No one said their rights were being taken away.  Americans wanted to help each other and win the war.  

Fast forward to 2020, and here we are, faced with the pandemic.  How do we beat this virus?  The single best way is by using safe practices, encouraged by the scientists.  Hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask will help keep us safe.  Since when did wearing a mask to keep yourself and your fellow Americans safe become the loss of individual liberty?  We're all in this together, and the best way to stay safe is to follow safety practices.  Wearing a mask is the single best thing we can do to prevent infection.  It's not a matter of individual liberty being denied.  It's a matter of keeping people safe.

Whether it's turning the lights out to keep safe during war, observing curfews in times of street violence, or wearing a mask to keep safe during a pandemic, we must all do our part.

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