Monday, April 12, 2010

Twelfth Visit to Taft

Back to me. How am I doing while Ron is away? I think I'm doing just fine. Am I lonely? Yes. Do I have times when I'm down? Absolutely. But I have those times when he's here too. I have dedicated Fridays to Ron, but other than that, this period in my life is all about me. I don't know if that sounds selfish or not, but I have decided that while I am alone I will focus on improving myself, both physically and mentally. Up until now my life has always focused on taking care of others or working. I think this is my time.

What that means is that I will work hard to get healthier, take care of all my medical issues (that can be fixed) and work on developing greater physical and mental strength. Losing weight, working out, meditating, practicing yoga and lots of walking are what I'm doing. Oh, and of course writing. I find that very therapeutic. Everything is going well. The medical conditions are being taken care of and the weight loss and exercise are both going in the right direction.
Everytime I feel like I'm losing focus and starting to deviate from my goal I think about Ron and what he's going through. He's going through something very difficult. What I'm doing doesn't compare, so I should stop complaining and just do it.

Thanks to my many friends and family for all the support you have given me and Ron during the first few months. I know that often people lose interest in asking about someone after a while, but I don't think that will happen. The weeks are rolling by quickly (not quickly enough) and summer will soon be here and Ron will be home next summer!

I had eye surgery a few days ago. Thank you Jan, Marlene and Mom for helping out. I needed drivers to take me to and from the surgery. My mom spent two nights with me, and that was very special. We had a great time together and she chaffeured me around town. It was hard not having Ron here, but he called me soon after the surgery and was constantly checking on me. I've come to realize that I need to make adjustments during my time alone. I need to be stronger, as I won't always have someone here to lean on. I do feel strong and able to take care of most things myself, but it's always great to know that help is just a phone call away.It's amazing what we can do if we have to.

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