Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory

Someone recently asked me if I knew about chemtrails. I must say I had never heard of chemtrails, and now that I know about them, I'll probably never hear or think about them again. Someone I know had flu like symptoms, and was convinced it was from chemtrails. These are the lines of exhaust that come from aircraft, that the conspiracy theorists believe will make you sick, influence the weather and control population. They think the government is spraying something down on the earth to make people sick. If this was even remotely true, why would a few people get sick and most not? It's not just a U.S. conspiracy theory either. Theorists believe it takes place in the U.K. and Canada too. There is a perfectly good explanation for the trails left behind by planes, and it has to do with condensation. Yes, there was a time, and they may still do it, when farmers and maybe the government, were spewing down seeds to help form clouds to help produce rain. I don't know if this still exists, but most people knew about this and understood why it was done. Scientists have confirmed that chemtrails is just an urban myth. An X in the sky caused by "vapor" is supposed to be the indicator that chemicals are being dumped on us. It's hard to believe when such a small percentage of the population is sick, and if they were going to go to all the trouble to hurt the population, why wouldn't they use something that really made people sick? And what would be the objective of all this anyway? I for one am a non believer in the chemtrails conspiracy theory. Yes, I think our government is capable of all kinds of secrets and activities that we know nothing about, but chemtrails is not one of them. Show me some proof and I may rethink my position on chemtrails.

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