Monday, June 18, 2012

Regrowing Celery

I haven't written any gardening articles in quite a while, but this caught my eye, I tried it, and it worked.  So, I'm sharing it with all of you who like to experiment a little.  Celery is one of those vegetables where all we eat are the stalks, discard the small stalks and stem.  Well, you can regrow celery in the following way.  Try it, it's kind of fun, and if you have children or grandchildren around, they will love to watch what happens in just a few weeks.

Take a bunch of celery, cut off the bottom, about 3 inches.  This is what you will use to regrow a new plant.  Take the piece that you cut off, and put it in a dish with water.  Place in a sunny place, like a window ledge, indoors.  If you don't have a sunny place, take a plastic container and invert it to make a "hot house."  In a few weeks you will have something that looks like the picture above.  Be sure to water it frequently.  It needs to be kept pretty moist.  When you have good growth on the new plant, transplant it in your yard.  Celery does not like extreme heat, so watch it. 

As the celery grows, you have two options.  Either let it grow to maturity, pull out the plant, and regrow the base of it again.  Or, you can just pick off celery stalks as you need them (the outside first), and allow the rest of the plant to continue to grow. 

I had a very large vegetable garden when I lived in LA,  but I never grew celery.  First, I don't like it all that much, and second, it seemed like a lot of work for a stalk of celery.  Regrowing it from an existing plant is just fun.  If you feel like trying something new, this is for you.  No fuss, no mess, and if it doesn't work well, oh well. 

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