Friday, April 29, 2016

America Is A Melting Pot

We've always heard America called a melting pot.  Since it's beginning, we've been a nation of immigrants, and in the beginning, our founding fathers were searching for religious freedom.  I find it ironic that all these years later, there are Americans that want to prohibit immigrants seeking religious and political refuge, entrance into our great country.  Most immigrants are seeking a better life for themselves and their family.  Most are not rapists, thieves or terrorists.  Most end up paying taxes and contributing to American society.

Racial or religious profiling is wrong.  I remember when I went off to Berkeley in 1963, I had a roommate who had never met a Jew before.  She was skeptical of me in the beginning, as she had been taught so many stereotypes.  We became fast friends, and all the barriers came down.  She couldn't believe how she had been misled by her family and community for so many years.  The same is true when you get to know any person of another race, religion or culture.  Usually they don't fit the stereotype.  Today, it's the Muslims that many are questioning.  Muslims have been living in our country for a long time, now all of a sudden we want them out because of terrorism?  Of course we have to keep terrorists out, but that doesn't mean that Muslims that have been here for decades should be sent home.  That's ridiculous.

There are good people and bad people in every religion, culture and country.  The Oklahoma bombers were white Americans.  Go to rural Idaho and you will find many hate groups flourishing.  They are usually against anyone that isn't American, white and Christian.  But this is NOT America.  We are a nation of immigrants from all over the world.  That is part of what makes us great, the fact that anyone, from anywhere, has an opportunity here.  Let's work on strengthening requirements for immigration, and not just keeping someone out because of their ethnicity.

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