Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Is The Art Of Letter Writing Dead?

When was the last time you wrote a letter?  If you're like me, probably a long time ago.  The closest I get to letter writing these days is a Hallmark Card with a personal note inside.  The age of the internet has pretty much obliterated letter writing.  We communicate through e-mail, text and video chat.  We send cards most often by e-mail.  I used to love getting letters.  The postal service says that the average household gets a personal letter delivered once in two months.  I haven't gotten a letter in years!

I remember my mom showing me some letters written to her by her father.  The year was probably around 1940.  She was leaving New York to get married, and he wrote her a lengthy letter about life and love.  I also remember receiving and writing letters to my grandparents in the early 1950's.  I looked forward to these letter so much, and have kept many of them to this day.  My grandmother loved to give me tips about life and love.  I wrote to my parents, too, when I was at summer camp.  I enjoyed writing the letters and I know how much they enjoyed receiving them.  Getting an e-mail from someone is just not the same.  There's a time and place for everything.  In this age of instant gratification we love to dash off an e-mail telling someone something, when years ago we would write it in a letter that they might not receive for a week.  When Ron was at Taft, letter writing was a major way of communicating.  Phone time was limited, so each week we wrote to each other, and cherished these letters.  A letter can be held, read and reread, and enjoyed multiple times.  An e-mail just isn't the same.

My grandchildren range in age from 1-6, and I think it's time for the older ones to start writing letters to grandma and grandpa.  It's great practice, it gives them a chance to organize their thoughts, and it give us a chance to enjoy their letters.  There are people who make letter writing a hobby.  They have pen pals all over the world.  They love using letter writing to communicate.  Let's not forget that sometimes an actual letter is very powerful.  Your friend or loved one will enjoy it much more than an e-mail, of that I am sure.

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