Friday, February 3, 2017

Building A Wall Will Keep Out More Than Just Mexicans

I'm one of the many who think building a wall along our southern border is a terrible idea.  The $15-$25 billion cost could be used to beef up border security and according to studies, be more effective.  Where there's a will, there's a way, and tunnels, boats and other methods have been successfully used for those willing to take the risk.  But the wall would not only attempt to keep out illegal Mexicans from entering the U.S., but it would also keep out wildlife, that now roams freely across the border for food and mating.

Border walls are bad for wildlife.  There is a list of hundreds of species that would be effected by the wall.  Ocelot, pronghorn deer, mountain lions and jaguar would have their daily movement disrupted.  When an animal sees a barrier separating him from his natural habitat, they don't know what to do.  They don't adapt.  Many of them will die.  They roam freely across the border now for mating, and if a wall were to be built, they either wouldn't be able to make or they would mate within a small population, causing inbreeding.  The manatees in Florida would be effected too.

I feel the wall is a bad idea in the first place, and now that I know that wall would effect hundreds of species of mammals and fish, I feel even stronger.  (If that's possible).  Studies show that walls do not keep people out.  Yes, it will discourage some from trying to enter the U.S., but wouldn't it be better to improve our patrolling of the southern border?

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