Monday, February 20, 2017

Where Do Crows Go At Night?

I'm an animal lover, but I hate crows.  I guess I don't hate them so much as fear them.  They travel in numbers and are often very aggressive.  Most crows don't live even a year, due to predators  and death of young crows for a variety of reasons.  If they make it to adulthood, they live around six years.  The mate for life, unless their marriage has not produced children.  In that case, they may break the bond and try another husband.

I see a huge flock of crows flying south every afternoon around dusk.  There may be several hundred of them.  They are going to their roost for the night, which is usually in a park or wooded area with trees.  They hang out together overnight.  There is safety in numbers.  Then, just before dawn, they are off again to do what they do for the day.

I'm not the only one who fears the crow.  They often hang out in groups, and swoop down on small children and dogs to pull the hair from their heads.  I had an 80 pound Akita who was petrified to go in our backyard.  The crows would swoop and pull hair from her back, then fly off.  Living in urban areas has emboldened them.  They are more aggressive than they used to be.  I have read that in some areas there are up to 100,000 crows in a roost.  Wow, I'm scared just thinking about it.  It makes me think of the Hitchcock movie, The Birds.  I guess they are necessary in the food chain, but I will continue to stay far away from them.

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