Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Are We Doing Enough To Prevent Bullying?

Bullying is a type of abuse.  This abuse comes in the form of repeated acts over a span of time.  These acts are an attempt by the bully to gain and enforce power over a person or group of people.

Bullying is the most common form of violence in our society.  Between 15%-30% of students are bullies or victims of bullies.  The AMA study estimates that approximately 3.7 million youths engage in, and more than 3.2 million youngsters are victims of moderate or serious bullying each year.  Membership in either bully or victim groups is associated with school drop out, poor psycholosocial adjustment, and criminal activity.

Here's the statistic that really shocked me.  25% of teachers see nothing wrong with bullying or put downs and consequently intervene in only 4% of bullying incidents.

A great deal is being done to stop bullying in school.  Many schools, at all levels, have started anti-bullying programs to raise awareness of this issue with children, teachers and parents.  I recently saw on the news that a group of Carlsbad children were walking the beach in solidarity against bullying.

I don't think there's anyone who escaped childhood without being bullied.  Anyone who is the slightest bit "different" is a target.  If you dress differently, think differently, are too fat, too thin, have too many freckles or are not athletic, you could be a target.

It's important for children to have good communication skills, so that they can tell an adult if they are bullied.  There is no place for bullies in our society.  They need to learn that every person is important and should be treated with respect.

Bullying does not stop with high school graduation.  It continues into the work force and general society.  Again, bullying at work must be reported to a supervisor and dealt with.  Unfortunately, young boys and girls who bullied often grow up bully as adults.  There is no place for it in society, yet we see people at the highest levels, bullying to gain an advantage.  Look no further than our new president.  He bullied many of his competitors.  I find it so ironic that he is a bully himself, and his wife Melania, wants to make bully her issue, as First Lady.

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