Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Superfoods You've Never Heard Of

It amazes me how new superfoods keep being discovered.  The foods are not new, it's just that we've just recently learned of the amazing benefits of some of these foods.  I'm thinking about acai, a berry from South America, that until 15 years ago was relatively unknown.  It is now known as a superfood, with amazing antioxidant benefits.

Wait!  There's more.  Here are some other foods that you may or may not have heard of, that also offer us great benefits.  Here they are.

1.  Baoba...This is the fruit of a tree that grows in 31 African countries.  It's edible black sees, white flowers and leaves contain antioxidants, 10 times more than acai.  It is also a prebiotic, a good source of fiber, Vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.  It's seeds can be cooked and substitute for coffee.

2.   Sea Buckthorn...These are tiny orange acidic berries that grow in clumps on a long stem.  They are high in healthy fat, omega 7's, contain 15 times more vitamin C than oranges.  They also contain vitamin E and amino acids.  Sea Buckthorn is often used in skin products.

3.  Cherimoya...I love this round or heart shaped fruit from South America.  It also grows well in Southern California.  In fact, when I lived in Los Angeles, my neighbor had a cherimoya tree and gladly shared the fruit with the neighbors.  The fruit is white and creamy, sort of tasting like a melon.  It has black seeds, which I don't think are to be eaten.  It is high in antioxidants and might fight off diseases like cancer.

4.  Romanesco.  It looks like cauliflower, but actually has properties of both cauliflower and broccoli.  It is high in vitamin C and K and antioxidants.  Its a great addition to salads or stir frys.

The list of superfoods just keeps on growing.  Try adding some of these to your diet.

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