Friday, August 25, 2017

Admiring Tweets For Donald Trump

How do you keep a president engaged in the intelligence briefings that are so important?  Make sure that the briefings have lots of photos, bullet points and "killer graphics."  According to an article in Business Insider, Donald Trump has a folder delivered to him twice a day.  The folder is full of positive headlines, tweets, interviews and sometimes photographs of him on TV "looking powerful."  The folder is dubbed "the Propaganda Document" by some in the White House.

The process of putting the folder together is long and tedious.  The staffers responsible must search for positive headlines about Trump on the internet.  (this is getting harder to do!)  When there isn't enough positive information to show the president, his communications office asks RNC staffers for photos that depict Trump favorably.  He prefers short reports that can be handled on one page, and as many paragraphs as possible mentioning Trump.

Is the president getting all the information he needs to make informed decisions, when his news briefings are one page, with photos and graphics?  I don't think so.  Unfortunately much of the information he receives is not impartial.  His staffers are giving him information that he wants to hear.  Is that any way to make critical decisions?   

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