Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The President Sang Amazing Grace

Thank you Karen, for  introducing me to this amazing song, "The President Sang Amazing Grace," performed by Joan Baez.  She did not write it, but when she first heard it on the radio, she knew she had to record it.  It was written after the church massacre in Charlottesville in 2015, and it so very powerful.  The video that goes with it adds to its power.

I was a fan of Joan Baez back in the 1960's, when she was an activist, doing what she could to create a more peaceful world.  She had the voice of an angel, and that hasn't changed.  In the 1960's she knew everyone in politics, music, science, you name it.  She had many lovers through the years, among them Steve Jobs and Bob Dylan.  She thought Vaclav Havel from the Czech Republic to me the leader she most admired.

Through the years she has mellowed somewhat, but has retained her incredible beauty.  She has silver/grey hair cut short, and looks incredible.  Please play the above song.  I hope you are moved by it the way I was.  It's a modern day folk song, and reminded me of why I loved (and still do) folk music so much.  A simple melody, simple words, simple message.

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