Friday, September 23, 2022

Online Dating: What An Education!

 The last time I went on a date was in 1969.  Boy, have things changed. You met someone you were attracted to, he called you on the phone and asked you out, and you were in business.  Today, if you're over a certain age and are not into the bar scene, meeting men is difficult.  So, like many women, I decided to try online dating.  

There are many on line dating sites, some better than others.  I have found that the bigger sites, like, are better for me because there are more men to choose from.  Today you need to fill out a profile, entering your age, education, religious preference, political preference, hobbies, interests, and much more.  Then you have to get at least one good picture of yourself to post.  It's a lot of work.  Then comes the hardest part, reading through the dozens of men that meet some of your qualifications and see who is likely to be interesting.  

Some men have very specific qualifications, like you need to live within 20 miles of them.  Some men want a younger woman, a petite woman, an athletic woman.  Some men want a woman who will be with them all the time, others want an independent woman with a life of her own.  All these things that people are looking for today that we never even thought about 50 years ago.  I'm so confused I feel like giving up.

I met one man who sounded great on the phone.  We laughed, thought similarly on many issues, and really seemed to connect.  Then I found out he was broke, lived in a broken down trailer park about an hour away, and had no friends.  Even having a great connection wasn't going to lead anywhere with this guy!

Another guy told me he was 70 years old, but when I met him he looked to more like 85.  I was stunned.  Why lie about your age like that?  He took me to Starbucks for coffee, but never offered to buy me anything to drink.  After a 15 minute meeting at Starbucks, he took off, telling me he was going dancing!  This was at 4:45 in the afternoon.  What's with these guys?  I'm still out there, still looking.


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