Friday, November 4, 2022

Are You A Listmaker?

 I am.  I've always been a listmaker, and even more so as time goes on.  Making a list accomplishes a lot of things on one small piece of paper.  It motivates you to complete tasks.  It reminds you what needs to been done, sort of a memory aid that relieves anxiety about forgetting things.  It keeps you organized.  

Lists have been around forever.  The ultimate list is the 10 Commandments, a list of commandments to live by.  In more modern times, the iPhone allows one to constantly keep lists.  If your the person in charge of making a Starbucks run for your co-workers, you list them, in order to keep everything straight.  I make one big list each day that includes grocery items that need to be bought, plus all the various other tasks I may need to do.  (bank, cleaners, gym, visit a friend, make business calls, etc).  Then, I love to cross them off as I complete them.  It is so satisfying to do that, I don't know why.

Not everyone is a listmaker.  There are several personalities that typically keep lists, including those who are detail oriented, highly organized, planners.  I am all of those things.  People who just "go with the flow" probably don't keep a list.  Which type of person is more productive?  I don't have the statistics on that, but my sense tells me the listmaker is more productive.  Now that you've made your list for the day, all you need to do is remember where you put it!  How often have you made an extensive list, only to get to get to the first stop on the list and found you left the list at home?  Happens all the time!

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