Wednesday, February 22, 2023

New Labor Laws in California

Every January brings a slew of new state laws, too many to enumerate here.  I will tell you about a few of the new labor laws, meant to protect workers.

1.  Senate Bill 62, The Garment Worker Protection Act. This law addresses the proper payment of employees n the garment industry in some very important ways.

2.  Assembly Bill 701.  Warehouse workers in California are protected from quotas that violate labor laws.  Employers must provide information about quotas that employees have to meet while working.

3.  Senate Bill 93 Recall Rights.  Employees of certain hospitality industry employers who were laid off during Covid-19 must be notified of job openings for the same or similar positions as the the ones they last held.  They must be offered jobs with priority.

4.  Senate Bill 3.  Minimum wage $15 an hour.  this bill has been phasing in since 2017.  The increase in minimum wage is different for large employers (26+) and small employers.  If local city or county has adoped a higher minimum wage, employees must be paid the local wage.

5.  Assembly Bill 1066.  Overtime for agriculture workers.  In 2016 agricultural workers started to receive overtime pay on the same basis as workers in most other industries after 40 hours per week.  Larger companies (26+) must pay overtime after 40 hours, smaller companies pay overtime after 55 hours.

So there you have it.  Several of these laws actually took affect in January 2022, but are being gradually phased in.  I hope they help protect workers as they are meant to.

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