Friday, February 24, 2023

New Medications For Weight Loss

Everyone wants to lose weight.  The old fashioned way, reducing your caloric intake and increasing your exercise do work, but many people can't stick with it.  Over the decades, weight loss fads have come and gone, and we now have another diet tool. 

Ozempic and Wegovy are the two new drugs that are touted as a way to lose and control weight.  It's a once a week injection, like an epi-pen, that mimicks a hormone called GLP-1 that taragets areas of the brain that regulate appetite and food intake.  The medication is increased gradually over 16-20 weeks to reduce gastrointestinal side effects.

Ozempic and Wegovy lower your appetite.  Many  doctors prescribe the injections along with intermitant fasting, also a fairly new weight loss tool.  Doctors also encourage a healthy diet along with exercise.

Because of supply chain issues and the fact that many prescription plans do not pay for the medication, losing weight using one of these medications can be very costly.  It's not a rapid loss plan, like gastric bypass, but a slow, steady weight loss. 

If you are overweight the best thing to do for your body is to shed the excess weight.  Easier said than done.  It took me decades to figure out what works for me.  Whatever plan you decide on, stick with it.  Your heart, lungs, blood pressure, and muscles will thank you.   

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