Friday, November 16, 2012

Lasagna Cupcakes

Cupcakes are all the rage, but I bet you never thought about lasagna cupcakes.  This is a quick and easy recipe, and a way to control your portions.  I don't know about you, but my problem with lasagna, and casseroles in general, is portion control.  I always either cut a piece that's much bigger than I should be eating, or after the meal, while cleaning up, go "even up" the pieces left in the casserole.  This recipe will prevent all that from happening.  It will give you a nice, small portion, and it will give you lots of extras to freeze for those emergency dinners.  Here's what you do.

Use wonton wrappers instead of noodles.  Take a drinking glass, and cut the wontons into rounds (as you would a biscuit).  Fit one into the bottom of each muffin pan.  Then, using your favorite lasagna recipe, layer each muffin container.  I use a basic marinara sauce to which I add ground beef.  Layer ricotta cheese, sauce, shredded mozzarella, then repeat with a wonton, ricotta, sauce and cheese.  Fill each container all the way to the top.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  The lasagna should be bubbly and crispy.  I like a little crispiness on the edges, and you'll have this on each lasagna cupcake. 

Top with a sprig of basel.  With a nice mixed green salad and some sliced, grilled garlic toast, you have a simple, yet gourmet meal.  Take the remaining cupcakes and freeze them.  I freeze them in zip lock bags, two to a bag.  Then, when I have nothing planned for dinner, I just remove them from the freezer and reheat, either in the oven or microwave.  They're just as good weeks later.  Enjoy.

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