Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We All Dream

When I was a student at Berkley I had a neighbor who was working on his doctoral thesis in psychology. He was studying some aspect of dreams. After 50 years, I don't remember what. Anyway, I was one of his guinea pigs. I agreed to keep paper and pencil next to my bed and write down every dream I had as soon as I awoke, for a period of about 2 months. What I found out quickly was that I had multiple dreams every night, I could remember them in detail if I wrote them down immediately upon waking, and the more I wrote about my dreams, the more I remembered about them. When I first started recording my dreams it was usually one dream per night, but in just a few weeks I was remembering 2 or 3 dreams a night, and in minute detail. It's a matter of training your mind to remember. Dreams have always been a mystery to scientists and lay people alike, but we are learning more and more about their purpose and what they mean. Below are some interesting facts you may not know about dreams. 1. During a typical lifetime, we spend more than six years dreaming. 2. Negative emotions, like anger and fear, are most common. 3. Average person has 4-7 dreams per night. 4. If you're snoring, you're not dreaming. 5. Eating cheese before bed may help you sleep. 6. We forget 90% of our dream within 10 minutes of awakening. 7. When lucid dreaming, you can control the dream and do anything-even fly. 8. Pioneer research means that scientists may soon be able to record our dreams. The subconscious mind is fascinating, and I love the idea of being able to record dreams. It may reveal information to help treat patients with mental disorders. Or, it may let average people what they're dreaming about all night. Fascinating stuff.

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