Monday, February 29, 2016

Character Counts

As I watched the last Republican presidential debate, I felt as if I were watching a bad reality show.  Name calling, shouting, accusations were all there in abundance.  Where was the talk about important issues facing our nation?  I have never in my life seen men who want to lead the free world behave so badly!  A narcissist, an unbending, uncompromising staunch conservative, and a conservative who can't seem to make up his mind.  What a choice for the Republicans.  I cringe at the thought of Trump in a room full of world leaders when the discussion is not going his way.  Is he going to stand up and tell them they're not fair?  Will he name call?  He does not have the temperament or the character to lead our country.  Nor does he have the knowledge.  All we've heard so far is that he's going to build walls, high walls, and that he's not going to let Muslims in the country.  How he's going to do these things has not yet been disclosed.  Cruz and Rubio, in a desperate attempt to stop the Trump train, have resorted to some ugly behavior which we have not seen from them until now.  I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

On the other side of the aisle, we watch the Clinton/Sanders debate, where we see issues like immigration, education, health care, climate change, and foreign policy discussed.  They actually tell us what they would do, not just what is wrong with the way it is now being done.  Although no candidate is perfect, we do have clear choices.  Everyone has a few issues that they want their candidate to support.  Here are mine:  1.  Equal pay for equal work for men and women  (how can anyone be against that?)2.  A woman's right to choose 3.  Work toward more renewable energy and end fracking 4.  Health care for all.  5.  Background checks for gun purchase

This is such an important election in so many ways.  We need to elect a person with experience, knowledge, ability to work and play well with others, and someone with a thoughtful, even temperament.  Who is out there that fits the bill?

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