Friday, February 12, 2016

How Birth Order Effects Your Child's Personality and Behavior

Our book group took a survey of the birth order of it's members several years ago.  We found that almost all of the members were first born.  Firstborn children tend to be reliable, conscientious, structured cautious, controlling and achievers.  Firstborns bask in their parents' presence, which may explain why they sometimes act like mini-adults.  Firstborns are diligent and want to be the best at everything they do.  They excel at winning the hearts of their elders.

The middle child often feels left our and uncertain about his place in the family.  Middle children tend to possess the following characteristics:  people-pleasers, somewhat rebellious, thrives on friendships, has a large social circle, peacemaker.

The last born child tends to be the most free-spirited due to their parents' increasingly laissez-faire attitude towards parenting, after having done it several times before they came along.  The baby of the family tends to be fun-loving, uncomplicated, manipulative, outgoing, attention-seeker, and self-centered.

Being the only child is a unique position.  Without any siblings to compete with, the only child monopolizes his parents' attention and resources forever.  This makes an only child something like a super-firstborn.  Only children have the privilege of having all their parent's support and expectations on their shoulders.  Thus, they tend to be mature for their age, perfectionists, conscientious, diligent, leaders.

Today we have various other types of families, like blended families, families within families, adoption and gap children.  Each one of these types of families upsets the general tendencies of personality.  Peers, siblings, genes, and circumstance all play into how a child's temperament develops.  It's the experiences shared by child and parental figure that leaves the lasting impression.  Do your children and grandchildren exhibit the general tendencies that their birth order says?  Mine are still young, so I'm not sure, but I sure know I showed all the tendencies of a firstborn child, as do most of my other firstborn friends.  How about you?

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