Friday, June 29, 2018

Cafe Touba: The Next Trend After Cold Brew?

Every time you think they can't come up with something new in the coffee field, a new drink comes along.  We've had French press coffee, pour over coffee, charcoal coffee and cold brew coffee.  Now, from Senegal, we have Cafe Touba.  What is cafe Touba you ask?  It's a mixture of of ground coffee from Guinea, boiled with cloves, water, Selim pepper and sugar.  It's kind of like Turkish coffee meets cola.  I've never seen or heard of it before I read about it on one of my favorite websites, Tasting Table.

Pouring the coffee is an art.  It's poured from low to high (similar to how they pour tea  and coffee in Turkey), which aerates the brew and creates froth.  It's a West African espresso with a lather of spiced suds on top.

The drink was named after the city of Touba in Senegal.  Drinking it was a ritual, some thinking the drink had spiritual or magical powers and possible medicinal benefits.  I don't know if this is true, but the drink is a staple in Senegal, and may some day come to America.  It's not a new drink, but it is new to me.

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