Friday, June 8, 2018

Renewable Energy CAN Power A Country!

Portugal is leader in many social and cultural issues.  I have written about their decriminalization of drugs in the past.  Now I have learned that they are able to power the entire country (Mainland) with renewable energy.  In the month of March Portugal produced 103.6% of their electrical needs.  55% of this came from hydro power, 42% came from wind.  Fossil fuel was used for the balance.  Those numbers don't add up, but it seems more like 97% of their power was renewable.  Close enough, and better than most of the rest of the world.

The hills around Lisbon that used to be filled with grain silos are now fill with wind turbines.  At the moment renewable energy is still expensive, but statistics say that by 2040 production of renewable energy will guarantee a cost effective way for their total electrical consumption.

There are a few other countries that meet their electrical needs through renewable energy.  Most are small, so it is unfair to compare them to countries like the U.S.  Iceland and Norway meet essentially all their electrical needs, but they take advantage of extraordinary geology which helps immensely.  Denmark, when the weather is windy, can also meet all their electrical needs, and Costa Rica is also producing enough renewal energy to keep the lights on.

Every program, whether it be excellence in education, reducing drug use, or providing energy that is renewable and clean, is easier to do on a small scale.  However, countries like Portual, Norway and Denmark, can provide a template for larger countries.  We need to see what they are doing right, and use their expertise.  At the moment (2016), only 10% of America's energy comes from renewable energy.  Certain states have far exceeded this number, like California, but overall, we have a long way to go.  Let's see what others are doing and follow their lead.

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