Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I'm Busier Than Ever, But Something's Missing

 My days are full.  I am so tired at the end of the day, that I often go bed at 9pm, hours earlier than I used to.  I rise around 6:45am.  My first activity is a 30 minute walk with Pepper.  When I return, I fix him breakfast, make my breakfast, and sit down with a good book.  I used to enjoy reading in the afternoon, but that is just not happening anymore, so I read for about 45 minutes in the morning.  I tidy up the house, not much to do there, and by 9am I am ready to start the day.  

My days consist of pickleball most days, golf at least once a week, swimming twice a week, bridge 3-4 days a week, and Zoom.  My favorite Zoom call is Wednesday at 5pm, Jews United for Democracy.  Each week they have a speaker.  Last week it was Lt. Colonel Vindman and Max Boot.  This week it is David Gergen.  They always have the best speakers!  I talk with friends too, go out to lunch and walk with friends, and take Pepper on lots of walks.

So what's missing?  I call it, "the human touch."  There's no one to hug, kiss, or snuggle up to.  Yes, much of the feeling I have is the fact that I am now alone.  I know that.  But it's more than that.  I've always loved hugging, and now when I see friends, we do a fist bump or a virtual hug.  It's just not the same.  Covid-19 has changed all that, for all of us.  So, those if you have a significant other or someone in your bubble to hug, do so.  You're lucky to have that person.  The rest of us, we'll have to wait for the pandemic to end before we can get back to hugging, and including that important ingredient in our daily lives.

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