Friday, October 23, 2020

What's Happening?

I used to turn on the nightly news and find out what was happening nationally, internationally and locally.  Now, almost all you hear is political news.  There's a big beautiful world out there, but we hear nothing but politics these days.  Here I have listed a number of things that are happening elsewhere in the world.

1.  Desert Growth.  Because of climate change, the Sahara, for example, has been extended 6,000 square kilometers since 1990.

2.  Decreased cancer.  Did you know that cancer has decresed 20% in 20 years?

3.  Deaths in stadium construction in Qatar for 2022 World Cup. It is estimated that up to 1,000 workers could die during construction of stadiums needed for 2022 World Cup in Qater.  The subject is handled with great secrecy because Qater wants to keep up the image of a rich Arab state.

4.  Antibiotics are becoming less effective.  

5.  Modern slavery exists.  35 million people worldwide are enslaved.  The concept refers to when a person obtains an economic benefit as a result of depriing another of his or her individual freedom.

6.  Coltan mine slavery.  Coltan is a material used in the making of smartphones.  It is mined in Rwanda, by slaves.

7.  Blood smuggling.  There are human farms in poor countries like India, where humans are chained and blood is drawn to be sold later on the black market.

I found some of these things very disturbing.  We sometimes get so focused on ourselves and the drama we are enduring that we forget there's a world out there full of many injustices.  There are some good things, too, like reduction in the amount of cancer worldwide.  Mostly, it's just more depressing news.  I am going to look for some feel good stories to send your way soon.


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