Friday, December 4, 2020

Choosing Our President

Do you remember when you were back in school, having class votes for president of the U.S.?  I sure do.  I remember as early as elementary school having class votes on who we wanted for president.  Of course everyone just parroted what their parents were saying, so the vote always went the way the parents voted.

I don't think they do that so much anymore, but the kids sure seem to talk politics more today, and at a very young age.  Here's an example.  David and Tracy (my son and daughter-in-law) asked their son Calvin, who just turned six, who he would vote for.  He liked Trump.  Why?  He likes the way Trump looks, big and strong, and he likes the big airplane in the background at his rallies.  This is from a six year old!  That's very much what many of his followers like about him.

 Although our country is  politically divided today, at least more people are engaged, and will continue to stay engaged.  Maybe we'll even go back to teaching civics in high school so that young people getting ready to vote can know how the system works.

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