Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Gift Exchange Covid-19 Style

 My poker group has a holiday party every December.  In days gone by it has taken place at someone's home.  A delicious potluck is served, followed by the gift exchange.  Each person brings a gift of no more than $20.  Each person gets a number, and in order, presents are opened.  When your number is called, you may either open a new gift or steal a gift from someone else.  It is such fun.  How could we do that during the pandemic?  Well, Fran, Melanie, Carol and Susan figured it out.

Fran and Melanie were the moderators.  Each person sent by mail or delivered their $20 gift to Fran or Melanie.  That was the easy part.  On the night of the zoom party, here's what happened.  Carol drew numbers from a hat and assigned each person a number.  Fran and Melanie had pre numbered all the gifts.  Person number 1 opened gift number one, then person number two either opened gift number two or stole the number one gift.  And so it went until all 17 gifts were opened.

Gifts were great this year.  My final gift was a set of four super soft tie dyed face masks.  I was so excited about receiving them, as my orange scarfs are looking shabby.  My original gift was a cute cuddly sloth, but he was stolen, so I stole the masks from someone else.

At the end of the evening, Carol and Susan who acted as elves, took the list of everyone's final gift and made plans to distribute them to all the party goers.  It was such fun to see everyone in the holiday spirit, many drinking champagne or wine and eating popcorn.  So creative.

On New Year's Eve I have been invited to a zoom party, and knowing the people involved, figures to be just as much fun.  I can hardly wait.

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