Friday, December 11, 2020

Is It The Flu Or Covid-19?

With flu season upon us, what should you do if you get sick?  How will you know the difference between seasonal flu and Covid-19?  There are many similar symptoms, but some that are unique to Covid-19.

Because of the lack of travel from the Southern Hemisphere to North America, and because of the diligent use of masks and social distancing by the people in Australia and New Zealand, it is likely that the flu season will be less extreme for us than in the past.  Use of masks and social distancing will automatically make the spread of both Covid-19 and seasonal flu less.

Both flu and Covid can present itself with similar symptoms.  Fever, chill, runny nose, cough are all symptoms of both illnesses.  Covid-19 may have other symptoms, including loss of smell, serious breathing difficulty, pain or pressure in the chest, blue lips or blue face, confusion and incoherent answers to simple questions and loss of consciousness, are all symptoms that may possibly be Covid-19.  If you have any of these  symptoms, it's time to get tested, immediately.

The likelihood is that this will be a very light flu season because of the efforts we are all taking to keep ourselves safe from Covid-19.  If you have any unusual symptoms, like those listed above, get yourself to a doctor right away.  Let's all stay safe, get through the winter, and hope that spring will bring control over the virus and return to a more normal life.


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