Monday, February 7, 2022

And You Thought Farenheit 451 Was Fiction

 With new, more conservative legislators in Virginia, one school board has begun to debate, and possibly implement, something that I never thought I'd see.  They want to eliminate all books from the libraries of their K-12 schools that have any sexually explicit reference.  What that means is vague and open to interpretation.  They not only want to remove them from the library shelves, but they are actually talking about burning the books!

When I heard this I immediately thought of the Ray Bradbury's  book Farenheit 451, which at the time it was published, we thought of as science fiction.  Well folks, it's here.  Now we will read what a Virginia school board (or some other school board) thinks is appropriate?  The themes of Farenheit 451, set in 2049, are censorship, ignorance and knowledge, and the power of books, among others.  Some school boards want to create their own ideas of right and wrong, good and evil, and what kids should know about history.  I guess they will also want to eliminate books that describe what early settlers in this country did to the American Indian.

With this line of thinking, I can imagine school boards removing books that teach about race or religion.   I have heard people talk about teaching the holocaust, but then also teaching the other side.  Is there another side to the holocaust?  I can't even respond to that kind of thinking.  Are you going to get rid of all books that describe slavery because it might make whites feel bad?  

What is happening in America?  I fear for our future in so many ways.  If we are not allowed to know the truth about ourselves as a people, we are bound to make the same mistakes again.  Wake up America!  

Sorry I'm not starting the New Year with a more positive story, but we are really in a dark place in America.

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